The Great Chocolate Fish Oil Experiment: Part 2

Is taking chocolate flavored fish oil as gross as it sounds? Some people just have to learn the hard way.

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After filming myself drinking chocolate flavored liquid fish oil (yes, straight), and then almost barfing in my sink as soon as the camera was off, I knew I had to try again. Was I really going to be defeated by some stupid fish oil? No! I am Amy. I am not going to be taken for a ride by the flavored oil of a fish. Geez.

Is taking chocolate flavored fish oil as gross as it sounds? Some people just have to learn the hard way.

So I tried again. After consulting a friend who loves this stuff, I decided to mix it in a little almond butter. And here I am, live in living color, giving it a go:

YouTube video

And then I ate it with some apples. And the entire time I thought “I like regular almond butter. Why am I ruining it by mixing fish oil in it?”

The next day I tried it in applesauce. It was really greasy. I’ll spare you the video of that.

The day after that that I called my friend. “Please buy this stuff from me. I just cannot handle it.”

Yes, I am admitting defeat. The fish oil has conquered me. And, after reminiscing over just how disgusting it was, I’m OK with that.

And so the Great Chocolate Fish Oil Experiment of 2015 came to an end. The fish oil won. And I am OK with that. But if you still want to try it, go here.

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