Here Comes Humans Outside Season 3

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Season 3 Preview

Are you ready for Season 3 of Humans Outside? We are! Season 3 is all about those practical insights and how-tos for building and keeping that outdoor habit. Come with me as I talk to experts and enthusiasts learning about creating a life focused on the outdoors and how to make the most of the gifts it offers.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Some of the good stuff:

[:20] Welcome to Season 3
[:30] About Humans Outside
[1:23] About Season 3
[2:30] Fun ways to connect with us

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How do you make heading outside daily not just a wish but an actual second-nature habit? And what do you find when you do it? Welcome to Season 3 of Humans Outside, where we take getting outside daily from a dream reserved for people with lots of time on their hands, to an easy, totally doable habit for even the busiest entrepreneur, employee and parent.

I’m Amy Bushatz, and I live in Alaska where since September 1, 2017 I’ve found time to get outside every single day, no matter the weather. You’ve come to trust Humans Outside not just for the weekly conversations with experts and outdoor enthusiasts, but for my short weekly Outdoor Diaries where I share my real life lessons and experiences outdoors as a totally amateur outdoor enthusiast walking this journey towards a nature-focused lifestyle with you. That’s because I know that building a healthy lifestyle and creating and maintaining a habit is easier with friends near and far who want to join you in the adventure. I’m so grateful to be here with you.

But I’m also a longtime journalist, so I love the excuse to get advice from experts and share it with you. For Season 3 we’ll be taking a closer look at the actual benefits of getting outside, and how you can capture them for yourself. Did you know getting outside can help you love where you live? Author and place-attachment expert Melody Warnick does. Did you know it can help you be more creative? That’s what researcher Cordele Glass and watercolorist Max Romey found. And did you know it can help you forgive? Sara Schulting-Kranz found it does, and is going to share with us why. Each of these experts and so many more are going to walk us not only through their own outdoor journeys and the truths they’ve found in nature, but how we can personally experience the benefits they’ve found.

We’ve been hard at work since the end of Season 2 refreshing our weekly newsletter into the entertaining and useful weekly Get-Out Guide; building our Patreon offerings for listeners who want that extra connection and can help me make the Humans Outside podcast possible; and getting all of these episodes ready for Season 3. And of course, we’ve also been spending plenty of time playing outside. Winter in Alaska might be cold, but there’s still never a bad day to play outside.

I’ve got a few fun ways you can connect with me ahead of Season 3, which I’m releasing Jan. 14. Did you know you can access free printables and enter for a free decal drawing by registering for my Humans Outside Get-Out Guide newsletter? Just visit to sign-up and I’ll email you a link to a free outdoor habit tracker, and include links to other current or upcoming downloadables in the weekly guide. You can also support us on Patreon and access those exclusive offerings. Find out more about that at – that’s /humansoutside. And finally you can follow and interact with me on Facebook and Instagram at Humansoutside. I ALWAYS comment and write back.

I can’t wait to share Season 3 with you! Until next time, Ill see you out there.

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