When was the last time you took a road trip near where you live and did some of the regular tourist stuff outside?

That’s what I’ve been up to on a week-long adventure traveling a portion of the Kenai Peninsula as I work on a writing assignment. I’ve met all sorts of interesting people and tried a bunch of new (to me) things — river floating, Alaska whitewater rafting, gold mining and ziplining.

The biggest reminder? Don’t let the weather get you down.

Listen now.

[:35] Hey hey from Alaska

[:45] A little scene-setting

[1:17] What the heck I’ve been doing

[1:30] (Yes, it’s cool)

[1:50] Two quick takeaways so far

When summer is short and you want to do everything, having a goal or adventure list for each summer can help keep you from feeling paralyzed by options.

And having one that’s designed to give you something to do for just a few hours on any given afternoon? That keeps the fun rolling without exhausting everyone in the process.

So how can you create a goal list that hits the mark without feeling impossible? Listen now.

[:45] We all know I like lists, OK?

[:58] The “problem” of getting stuck in a rut (or is it?)

[1:22] My summertime planning problem

[1:50] A solution for this

[2:10] Going with easy

[2:30] What we’re doing

[3:10] Bonus: free

[3:52] How this is different than big stuff

[4:15] There are no rules

Most of the time, it’s a little in my head that tells me I can do things or narrates when they feel like they are about to go very wrong. Sometimes it’s more like a movie — a dramatic demonstration of the terrible thing that’s about to happen, or a picture of the upcoming victory. According to our recent podcast guest Sarah Histand, a mental health-informed fitness trainer all of it is self-talk.

Over my days building my outdoor habit, I’ve learned to make self talk work for me with a few phrases, or mantras, I can repeat over and over.

But there’s still one major thing I struggle with.

And leaning into this negative self-talk? It produces that kind of silly outdoor fail that seems to be my personal speciality.

Listen now.

[:30] A little bit of background on self-talk

[1:10] The times I don’t get it right

[1:35] My biggest outdoor problem

[2:00] What I do about it

[2:37] My reminder self-talk

[3:44] Using it for your indoor life

Maybe it’s something you quietly tell yourself over and over again — actual words, floating through your brain in a steady monologue. Maybe it’s more like a movie, as you visualize what happens next while you work through any given challenge. But all of it can be categorized as “self-talk,” and it holds surprising sway over whether we feel like whatever it is we’re doing will be incredible — or fail miserably.

So how do you learn to have positive self-talk, especially while in the middle of something extremely challenging or even more than a little scary? Can you self-talk your way to success? Can learning how to do so outside translate to your indoor life, too?

Sarah Histand says “yes.” A mental health-focused fitness trainer and Humans Outside fan favorite guest, in this episode Sarah shares her secrets to create self-talk that can get you through the challenge and on to victory. Listen now!

[2:28] Sarah’s favorite outdoor space (this time)

[3:20] Sarah’s outdoor story, plus bonus info on how she met her adventure partner/husband, Luc

[7:05] What is self-talk and what are “mantras”

[9:57] Why do we so clearly experience self-talk outside?

[13:13] When self-talk is visual

[14:12] Taking negative self-talk and making it positive and empowering

[17:36] The problems with a negative loop

[19:29] Mantras and self-talk that work for Sarah

[21:03] Examples of Amy’s useful self-talk

[29:01] How to create positive self-talk

[32:06] Example of negative visualization and how to fix it

[38:00] The mega importance of pausing to note what this feels like

[39:50] Mantras for you to try

[41:42] How to find Sarah and her (recent) favorite outdoor moment

We’re outside for the joy of nature and to experience all heading out there has to offer us. But sometimes the thing it offers is a little bit less earthy and a little more human. It’s a chance to see humans at their best, moving through something challenging together and holding each other up along the way.

Experiencing that is the joy of being outside with humans. And it’s something you shouldn’t miss.

[:35] My favorite fitness thing of the year

[:50] What the humans have to do with it

[1:15] Why the Gold Nugget triathlon is a little different

[1:40] A few of the complications and reasons that it’s great

[2:00] Why humans together outside shows what we need to see

[3:15] Other adventures just this week that showed that humans outside are the best