The deep, cold, dark winter of the north is a unique experience that both challenges and inspires. On the one hand, it shows you things about nature and about yourself you’d never see in the long hours of warmer daylight. On the other, it carried a depth that at times feels insurmountable.

Among the winter enthusiasts and survivors are cyclists, people out there riding their bikes through, on and over the ice. They are part of a rich history of people not just exploring the Arctic under their own power, but leaning into the experience despite all the odds. In today’s episode writer and editor Jessica Cherry talks about the experience of cycling through Alaska’s winter. Listen now.

[2:56] Jessica Cherry’s favorite outdoor space

[3:45] How Jessica became someone who likes to go outside

[6:21] Jessica’s personal connection to cycling

[9:42] What is a “fat bike?”

[17:01] About Frank Soos

[18:58] The experience of recreating over winter in the arctic

[21:01] The surprising sound factor

[24:56] What people miss by not going outside in the winter’s darkness

[28:36] How being a climate scientist changes how Jessica experiences nature

[33:09] What Jessica learned from her book, Wheels on Ice

When so many outdoor adventures are or can be solo, when conquering big things is about your internal drive, why does community matter?

After attending a local workshop hosted by a semi-pro runner and friend, I’ve been thinking about why showing up for others and having them show-up for me isn’t just important, it’s life changing. Hear why in this Outdoor Diary episode.


[:56] The premise behind Humans Outside

[1:27] The benefit of community

[1:55] A reminder that is, obviously, related to running

[2:30] The ways it’s up to you alone

[2:46] But also it’s not only up to you

[3:57] How Denali Strable models this

[4:10] How Denali models the power of community

[4:30] Why this matters

[4:50] What I’m trying to do here

Life is full of opportunities for problem solving, for looking at challenges in a fresh way, for reshaping the landscape to peel out an unexpected solution. And what does it take to get there? Creativity.

You might be thinking about creativity as it relates to art, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Instead I mean the creativity found in how you approach the world. And heading outside? It has a measurable impact on boosting creativity if you take the right steps — often literally.

In this episode we dive into boosting creativity by heading outside in a conversation with Garry Pratt, a business coach, author and innovator around what he calls “outside thinking.” Listen now.

[3:07] Garry Pratt’s favorite outdoor space

[4:33] How Garry became someone who likes to go outside

[7:10] Garry’s “outside thinking” lightbulb moment

[9:01] What is “creativity?”

[11:59] What is “outside thinking?”

[15:06] Why is nature perfect for deep work thinking?

[21:00] Why walking in nature works for creativity

[24:24] The deal with 20 minutes

[28:00] All about 20:3:3

[31:00] Why it works for business thinking

[36:34] Does type of nature matter?

[38:55] A few tips for building your own outside thinking habit

[41:45] How to find Garry’s book

How do you feel about falling? Or, perhaps more importantly, how do you feel about getting up again?

One of the top lessons of Amy’s outdoor habit is the inevitability of falling and all of the lessons getting OK with it brings. Learning to fall and be OK with it has not only opened the door to trying and learning new things, but given her a better understanding of risk and recovery in her indoor life. Listen to this Outdoor Diary episode to learn more.

[:30] Braver and more courageous: a reminder

[1:45] The deal with learning to take risks

[2:00] The deal with falling

[2:41] Here’s what really matters

[2:52] The inevitability of falling if you’re ever going to learn something new

[3:30] Pro-tip about snow in your pants

[4:15] What if you did this instead?

[4:50] An important distinction

[5:15] How this feels during inside life

Ever seen that meme that asks “why do I live some in a place where the air hurts my face?” Heading outside in harsh conditions can feel like a personal attack that has your whole body and mind screaming “noooooooooo!” You want to want to do it, but you don’t. You know there’s no actual danger, but if feels like there is. You want to be someone who goes outside and does cool stuff, but you can’t figure out how to calm down that internal “nope” monologue.

So what can you do about it? In this episode Alaska-based mental health informed adventure fitness trainer Sarah Histand tackles the big question of dealing being kind to your nervous system while teaching it that, hey, heading outside for challenges big and small is a safe and even fun idea. Listen now.

[2:57] Sarah Histand’s (different from last time) favorite outdoor space

[6:10] How Sarah got into the subject of mind meets mountain

[10:53] Why going outside in harsh weather or for big challenges sometimes feels so very bad

[13:40] Why sometimes it feels totally fine and other times it feels totally not fine

[19:05] All about very individualized risk tolerance

[24:19] Steps for overcoming this problem

[25:13] Snacks and other comfort items

[30:54] Baby steps aren’t just for babies

[32:24] This is an everyone problem — not just beginners

[37:27] No comparing, please

[39:48] Learning to balance intuition with social pressure

[45:01] How to find more about Sarah