On the one hand is time management — using steps to get the most out of every hour. On the other hand is energy and having the bandwidth to get it all done. So what happens when you’re great at time management but always find yourself energy poor? You’ve got time to do everything you need to do, but lack the energy to get around to the things you want to do. Instead you feel rushed at best, or simply exhausted at worst.

In her new book Tranquility by Tuesday author and time management expert Laura Vanderkam lays out nine guidelines that she has found make a measurable difference in how satisfied people feel about how they spend their time. In this episode she digs into two of the nine and gives tips on how we can make them work for us.

[3:39] Laura Vanderkam pretty much just writes books for me

[4:50] Laura’s favorite outdoor space

[7:13] What is tranquility?

[9:37] What are the ‘Tranquility by Tuesday’ rules?

[12:44] Why is ‘three times a habit?’ And what does that mean?

[17:28] Intensity vs. consistency

[21:00] All about ‘one big adventure, one little adventure’

[24:15] There are no adventure police

[27:00] We’re back to intentionality again

[30:30] Overcoming inertia

[33:57] ‘Police the muscle’

Amy’s pretty used to eating her words by now, which is why she’s not at all ashamed to admit that she said she’d never, ever ski and now she kind of loves it — especially when we’re talking Nordic skiing.

But this week’s first ski of the year showed that skiing has brought a totally expected benefit: it’s taught her to actually look forward to winter. Never underestimate the power of anticipation.

[:46] I’m OK with eating my words even if it’s a fail

[1:10] My “never ski” proclamation was totally legit

[1:58] Yes, we’re blaming this on Luke

[2:58] Why wanting and action are not the same.

[3:55] What happened when I actually tried

[4:11] The power of anticipation

[5:05] A recent ski season win

There’s a real push and pull. On the one hand, many women want to head outside solo and have amazing adventures alone. On the other hand, doing so can feel like a huge safety risk, especially when we hear about the major tragedies some women encounter doing things that should be perfectly safe.

So what should you do? Stay home? Only head out with friends and family?

Nicole Snell, a safety expert and owner of Girls Fight Back who specializes in self-defense in the outdoors, has a different idea. In this episode she shares her best tips and tricks to empower you to get into nature solo while also staying safe.

[4:06] Nicole Snell’s favorite outdoor space

[4:52] How Nicole became someone who likes to go outside

[7:16] How she got into self-defense

[14:05] Why people (often women) feel unsafe alone outside

[20:12] What self-defense tools should people use?

[26:54] What we mean when we say “use your words.”

[28:55] Why she didn’t say “I’m sorry”

[31:57] The role of intuition

[37:41] How to make the outdoors more safe for everyone

[41:10] Top three tips for self-defense in nature

[44:41] Nicole’s favorite outdoor memory

The things we find comfort in as kids stay with us — even if we’ve forgotten what they are until we find them in an unexpected place.

That’s what Amy found when she stumbled upon the Palmer community piano sitting out on a patio on a cool fall Alaska day. And when she sat down she was transported. Hear about it in this Outdoor Diary episode.

[:46] Homeschool Amy friend problems

[1:21] So I did this instead

[1:33] Playing the piano was not actually an option but I liked it anyway

[2:15] The piano + beach = escape

[3:00] When I bought a piano for myself

[3:20] How this is like going outside

[3:51] What happened when I found a piano on the sidewalk

So you’re thinking about relocating so you can spend more time outside or be closer to the kind of nature you really love. Or, maybe you want to pack up and live the nomad van life. Or, maybe you’re looking for a fresh start and a life reset and think the best way to get is by relocating, even though you don’t actually really want to move.

Melody Warnick, author and place attachment expert, has heard all of these scenarios. She even included Amy’s story of relocating to Alaska to get closer to nature in her newest book, “If You Could Live Anywhere.” In this episode she talks through her best advice for picking where you want to live — and how to know if moving is actually what you want after all.

[2:48] First, a confession

[3:56] Melody Warnick’s favorite outdoor space

[4:53] What makes Amy especially fond of this book

[6:50] Why Melody is interested in this subject

[9:29] How people pick where they want to live

[14:10] The deal with nomading

[18:00] Did Amy regret moving to Alaska?

[19:50] Place picking vs. you changing

[25:00] Making yourself OK with moving

[29:40] Strategies + steps

[32:40] Why the military community makes this interesting

[36:15] How to know if you’ve made a huge mistake

[41:00] Why risk is OK