There’s dreaming, there’s preparing and then there’s doing. When it comes to big outdoor goals and adventures, dreaming and prepping take the most time — but the doing is where you get to see if you have what it takes after all. In this week’s Outdoor Diary Amy dives into the race she’s been preparing for all season, why she decided to try the shorter distance instead of again tackling the race she dropped out of last year and how it all went. Listen now.

[:46] A little bit of background on my race

[1:34] What happened last time

[2:26] What I picked instead and why

[3:14] It started like this

[3:40] What you can see there

[4:15] What I was hoping to do

[4:40] What actually happened

[5:10] The sweet reward

[5:20] Tiny little snafu and rescue

[5:35] Zero stars to the burger place

[5:45] Bugs are rude

[6:00] 50 again?

We do our best to roll with nature’s punches, but we’re definitely not ready for this warm, sunny and green relationship to be over. It’s only July, after all. But when push comes to shove, perhaps the ticking clock is inspirational. Listen now.

[:46] My buddies, the leaves

[1:25] What should be happening with my leaves

[1:50] A startling discovery

[2:12] We’re going to talk about it anyway

[2:26] What is “termination dust?”

[3:00] The bad news

[3:11] This brings us back to the leaves

[3:30] What that makes me do

[4:00] Please send good vibes thanks

Things are going summer crazy here at Humans Outside as we milk every hot second we can from the season. That’s why this week we’ve only got two things: one suggestion and one ask for help. Listen now.

[:46] What we’ve been up to

[1:04] A midsummer habit suggestion

[1:43] Why you should spend some cash

[2:25] We really need your help with this

How do you know where a good adventure stops and something that’s just not worth it starts? And can you tell when you’re avoiding something because it’s uncomfortable or if you’re avoiding it because it’s miserable and unnecessary, unrewarding suffering?

Those are the questions Amy is asking this week as she scraps a long-planned adventure while thinking about things she’s done that sound bad but end up being great in the end. So how can you make that decision?

[:45] As you know, I like predictability

[1:05] But sometimes I don’t

[1:25] Another thing to know

[1:40] One of the best things about going outside

[2:20] The problem with all of this

[2:45] What I am not doing while I record this

[3:30] Things I’m considering

[4:00] There really is a line

[4:07] But sometimes it’s not clear

[4:30] This one is really over the line

[4:45] Is there a good answer?

[5:30] The real key

What if instead of a “to do” list you made the opposite: a “not to do” list? Coming up with the things that should go on it is an exercise in self-awareness and the gift of perspective. And where can you really find that? Outside, of course! In this episode Amy discusses how she developed her “not to do” list and why heading into nature helped her make it happen.

[:59] Why this matters

[1:05] A little bit of background

[2:15] The magic of unplugging trips

[2:45] My love of “to do” lists

[3:18] What is a “not to do” list?

[4:00] What belongs on a “not to do” list

[4:25] How I created my list

[4:45] Some stuff Im not going to do anymore

[5:40] What belongs on your list?