Outdoor Diary: Social Distancing in the Outdoors

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Outdoor Diary Social Isoalation

The world is full of craziness right now. Fortunately for all of us, the outdoors is still there being the hero we all need.

Some of the good stuff:

[:20] Using the outside to avoid things
[1:25] The temperature changes in Alaska
[2:45] Advice for dealing with coronavirus
[3:42] Outdoor hero: the outside

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Here’s an edited transcript of this entry of Amy’s Outdoor Diary. Listen to the episode on iTunesGoogle Podcasts, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.

Are you down with some social distancing?

Instead of staying inside to avoid all the things, try going outside. 

It’s feeling pretty scary out there, I got to admit, but I’m happy to announce that I have investigated the situation and spending time outside every single day not only still has a positive impact on my life despite global pandemic, it also has an even greater positive impact on my life than ever before. 

That’s because the greater the chaos in the world, the greater the calm I feel in the outdoors. 

This week was filled with canceled plans and awesome late winter sunshine. I was supposed to fly to San Francisco for a class and I had big plans to run many miles while there. I was pretty bummed when both of those things were put on hold because 20 miles around the Golden Gate Bridge in the fine California sun was sounded really, really good. But instead I got grounded here in Alaska. 

We’ve reached the time of year when the temperature Actually fluctuates over the day. I know that sounds like not rocket science, but it is something that doesn’t happen part of the year here in Alaska. During the dark months and really light months, things stay pretty stable temperature wise all day long, with maybe as little as a four or five degree change over the day. For example, it might be negative 10 when I wake up and negative five by mid afternoon, then back to negative 10. 

But this time of year sees wide variations. For example, when I woke up yesterday, the gauge outside which sits in a spot that gets a combination of sun and shade, said negative three, but by midday had hit 40 above. That’s a big temperature swing.

And boy did it feel good. I grabbed the skis after my online class ended and headed onto the trails for some fun. 

The week also included some runs most of which I didn’t want to do but was so so happy I made happen in the end, because the only run you regret is the one you didn’t take. 

Also included was sledding at our favorite hill in honor of my now eight-year-old’s birthday, full sun and we couldn’t go wrong. 

This week, we’re probably feeling a little stressed all of us, right? Whether we want to admit it or not. The world is a crazy place right now and stopping to think about it just makes it crazier. 

My advice: get outside. 

Did you know open air actually kills bacteria that can make you sick. It’s called the “open air effect.” 

And we already know about the good mental health and happiness help being outside brings. trails are great for social distancing to keep yourself and bathe in that fresh air and sun, put down the phone, walk away from the panic for a little bit there and just breathe. 

Better yet, thanks to the world being canceled, you probably have some extra time on your hands for making it happen. Get outside, get outside now. 

You can also use some of that free time to catch up on the full length Humans Outside episodes. 

We have a pre-planned pause this week to new full length episodes. But don’t worry, we’ve got seven of them  — seven full length episodes for you to catch up on now that you have time, or if you haven’t had time yet. 

My real outdoor hero this week is the outdoors itself. I know that seems lame, but it’s always there. It’s always stable, always predictable. It’s always calm. When things seem insane, my walk in the woods seems steady. 

If you need some outdoor inspiration, of course, follow us on Instagram @humansoutside

Share your own outdoor time — which you have plenty of time to have now right — with the hashtag #humansoutside365

Be safe, healthy and peaceful friends. And until next time, we’ll see you out there

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