It’s the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, but that doesn’t mean light can’t be found. In fact, the light is easier to find in times of darkness than any other time. In this Outdoor Diary Amy explores how that is literally and figuratively true for her.

[:31] The darkest time of the year

[1:22] A decision

[2:23] Getting outside (even when it’s dark)

[3:33] The Humans Outside Challenge kit

[4:40] Where to find Humans Outside

Nothing demonstrates the way Amy loves where she lives in Alaska the way the annual holiday festival in her small town does. Spending that full day outside amidst Hallmark Christmas movie-level merry making in some very, very cold weather has Amy contemplating what her outdoor habit has to do with learning to love where she lives.

[:28] Amy meets Palmer

[2:36] Finding community

[4:59] Learning to love where you live

[5:21] The gifts of going outside

[6:36] Humans Outside Challenge Kits

As if heading outside to begin with isn’t a big enough challenge, we are often faced with the decision of whether or not to face an even bigger challenge once we get out there. Listen to this installment of Amy’s outdoor diary to hear about what choosing the challenge can look like, and how Humans Outside can help you do just that.

[:27] A decision

[1:40] The more time I spend outside…

[2:45] What it looks like to pick the challenge

[3:21] A transferable skill

[4:19] Humans Outside Challenge Kits

How do you insert heading into nature into your holiday traditions? That’s the question Amy tackled as her family spent their second Thanksgiving in a row enjoying an off-the-grid option that took just enough extra effort to seem like a terrible idea. Hear how it turned out in this Outdoor Diary episode.

[:27] Opting outside

[1:30] A Bushatz Thanksgiving

[3:36] The extra effort is worth it

[4:42] Humans Outside Challenge kits

[5:25] Where to find Humans Outside

Are you ready for the Humans Outside 365 Challenge? Amy has exciting news about a new challenge kit to help you along the way. Ready to head outside? Listen to this episode to hear what you need to know.

[1:49] All about the Humans Outside 365 Challenge kits

[2:32] What’s in each of the kits

[3:51] The Ground Level kit

[4:13] The Mountain Level kit

[5:04] The Sky Level kit

[6:22] Pricing info