A Gift Guide for Outdoor Fans and a Bunch of Giveaways

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When was the last time you knew exactly what to buy every single person on your holiday shopping list? And that’s why we created this special edition of the Humans Outside podcast, a 2020 holiday gift guide with items picked not just because they make good gifts, but because we really, really like them.

Even better? Seven of them are a part of our 7 Giveaways in 7 Days, with giveaways opening for entries Nov. 19 to 25.

Hear Amy talk to two special guests — husband Luke Bushatz and ‘running wife’ Rachel Gernat – in this hilarious gift guide. And please ignore the part where we wander into a discussion about what an ascot is and the various really silly ways Luke wears hats.

Some of the good stuff:

[:32] Luke joins us to talk about gifts
[2:03] All about the Noxgear Tracer360 Visibility vest
[6:26] About Combat Flip Flops
[8:41] All about SCOTTeVEST
[10:35] ‘Running wife’ Rachel joins us
[11:23] Why we like trekking poles
[14:45] Why we love Klean Kanteen
[17:59] Our biggest obsession: Goodr
[22:07] Luke comes back to talk about stocking stuffers
[22:19] Talking about Honey Stinger and UnTapped
[24:48] All about liner gloves
[28:33] What is a ‘buff?’
[29:49] An ascot that is not a hat, and why Luke wears hats that are ridiculous

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Here’s an edited transcript of our conversation on The Humans Outside Podcast. Listen to the episode on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.

Amy Bushatz 0:01

Tis the season for holiday shopping. If you’re anything like me, you’re out there hitting the sales for gifts for friends and family and stuff for yourself. I mean, let’s be real, we all like gifts. And of course here at the Humans Outside Podcast, we’re laser focused on getting gifts for heading outside. Since I started learning to get outside about six years ago, outdoor gear has been my favorite type of gift. The problem, of course, is that there’s an endless supply of outdoor items in the world that you may or may not need. Okay, you probably don’t need most of them. But there are many that make your outdoor life easier and safer. And there are many that are just great gifts. And that’s why I’ve been working the last several months to create for you the Humans Outside 2020 Holiday Gift Guide packed with items that we use and love. We’ve even worked with some of these companies to put together Humans Outside Gift Guide giveaways so you can get your hot little hands on some of these great gifts to give away or, my advice – keep for yourself. Instead of having you listen to me talk about all this stuff, I’ve got two great guests today. First, we’re going to hear from my more adventurous half and husband Luke Bushatz. Luke, welcome to the Humans Outside Podcast and thanks for coming on to talk about some of the gear we have in our 2020 Humans Outside Gift Guide.

Luke Bushatz 2:00

Thanks for having me on.

AB 2:02

Yeah, okay. The very first item we have in our gift guide is the Noxgear Tracer360 Visibility Vest. Okay, so the tracer was designed to keep runners, walkers and cyclists safe and out of harm’s way by making them really, really visible to drivers in any weather conditions. And of course, here in Alaska, we love this vest because it’s well, flashy. What do I mean by that? Can you describe this vest’s look?

LB 2:31

Sure. So this vest is an over shoulder under shoulder kind of a vest that has LED light bars for a lack of detailed description. So this vest has over under shoulder light bars that can be a solid color, whether that’s red, green, orange, the full spectrum of colors, right, or it can cycle through all of those in a blinking fashion. And that provides clear visibility to drivers and makes you clearly visible. And it’s really great for us as we participate in runs that may be going on at night in our neighborhood or in our local town. And since it’s dark out, this allows us to be clearly visible to everybody. And it’s really, it’s really great. And it brings peace of mind to me when I have my eight year old who likes to suddenly dart out into the road wearing a lighted vest.

AB 3:41

Yes, that would be our eight year old. Yes. Okay, so it’s very flashy. It’s super lightweight, it’s battery powered with just batteries that are probably already in their house so you can change out really easily. Turns off and on with one little button, clips around your middle. Love this vest, love the Tracer360. I’m actually going to be getting this for a few people this year, who I hope are not listening to this because when I run with my friends, and I’m the only person wearing one, they make me run closest to the road to be the flashiest light. Seems unfair. Y’all need these vests.

Alright, Noxgear is going to have a great sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But here at Humans Outside we also have a special code for listeners off the full price of $69.95. It can’t be combined with sales, but using the code HUMANSOUTSIDE – all one word – you’ll get 35% off full price. So that’s HUMANSOUTSIDE code all one word, 35% off full price if you miss the Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale on the Noxgear Tracer360 visibility vest.

And of course we’ve got the tracer vest as part of our giveaways, which everyone should hit humansoutside.com to learn more about those giveaways.

Yeah. Okay, next on the gift guide, my favorite socks. Balega. I’ve talked about these as my Outdoor Hero on our weekly outdoor diary episodes before. So Luke, can you confirm that I love these socks?

LB 5:16

You do love these socks. These socks are all over our house. We have a doggie that likes to carry them around. But we have lots of these socks.

AB 5:27

I love these socks because they are like feet clouds. They’re not my favorite outdoor winter socks, specifically. But they are my favorite everyday and regular running socks. They’re super cushy and wicking. And I love them. I think everyone should get their hands on these socks. They’re super affordable. They are like between 10 and 15 bucks, depending on the style. And so far, I mean, limited forever, understanding because I’ve had them for a couple of years but not like for all time. But so far, they last forever. I have yet to put holes in any of them. Which is kind of incredible, because I somehow put holes in all of my socks except for these.

LB 6:09

Yeah, they are super durable. You’ve had them for years and for the investment, like by the time you wear these out, they have paid for themselves four or five times over.

AB 6:20

Yeah, we assume because that’s yet to happen here.

LB 6:22

They’ve already paid for themselves four or five times over.

AB 6:26

Yeah. And of course, we also have a giveaway this week on one of our Seven Days of Giveaways for a pair of Balega socks because I love them and I think everyone should have a chance to wear them. But because I cannot give everyone everything in the world, I’m just going to give them to one person. That could be you. You’ve got to enter on humansoutside.com.

Okay. Sticking with the theme of feet. We have Combat Flip Flops. Luke, do we wear flip flops and Alaska all year round?

LB 6:57

Absolutely. In fact, I was sweeping off our back deck this morning after getting a half inch dusting of snow last night in my flip flops so that I could get into my hot tub. But definitely all year round, wearing the flip flops, rocking them for around the house duties and details all year round.

AB 7:18

Yeah, that’s that’s like a huge thing. Now I’m not gonna lie to people. I do wear my flip flops in the summer and my slippers in the winter. My toes get cold. But you’re a full time flip flopper, flip flopper. That’s a fun word. Okay.

Of course, Combat Flip Flops is special. Alright, if you haven’t heard about these guys, and this is why they’re on our gift guide, because they have a great product and they’re also a fantastic company that is veteran owned. The founders wanted a way to create jobs and fund education and other services in wartorn countries like where they had deployed in Afghanistan. So their products are made in Colombia and Afghanistan. A portion of all sales goes to educating girls in Afghanistan, and they make a really high quality product that we’re excited to also include, thanks to Combat Flip Flops, in one of our giveaways. So that’s a really great product. The cost of the Combat Flip Flops is like 40 bucks. Awesome product. Awesome company. Great to wear all winter long if you’re Luke and included in our giveaway.

Okay, last but not least for now, we’ve got SCOTTeVEST, a big ticket item on our giveaway. Really excited to include it. Luke, tell us about SCOTTeVEST.

LB 8:41

SCOTTeVEST is this really cool company that is founded on the premise that you don’t need to carry a bunch of different things to be able to travel and carry everything you need. So their vests and jackets and their clothing are designed with lots of carrying options. So you can be able to carry everything you need with you, let’s say onto the airplane, without us having to like check a bag.

AB 9:09

So it’s like all of your stuff is in the pockets.

LB 9:13

Yeah, on the line. I have this great SCOTTeVEST that I can put an iPad or Kindle fire or whatever device I need plus my cell phone plus snacks, plus maybe a drink, maybe hide a number one cheeseburger meal from McDonald’s. But in all seriousness, like their clothing is designed to look great and at the same time have all of these storage systems in it so that you can carry everything you need while you’re traveling. They’re really really cool.

AB 9:49

Yeah, okay, so, uh, the cheeseburger is not included in our SCOTTeVEST giveaway, but we are giving away a SCOTTeVEST which is about 110 bucks, if you’re just gonna buy it, and you can score one in our giveaway, which is really exciting. And that’s on our Humans Outside Gift Guide for this year because it’s awesome. And the person in your life who wants to carry a cheeseburger on a plane in their past definitely needs one.

So okay, Luke, thanks so much for helping with our list for the humans outside holiday gift guide. And we’ll talk to you soon.

LB 10:34

Hey, thanks for having me.

AB 10:35

And we’re going to bring Luke back in a little bit to talk about some gifts that you might think about as stocking stuffers. But here now to help us with the rest of it is one of my so called ‘running wives,’ Rachel Gernat. You heard all about her outdoor story back in Episode 46, and she’s going to help us talk about the rest of the things on our regular gifts list, including a few more that we have as giveaways. Rachel, welcome to the Humans Outside 2020 Holiday Gift Guide episode.

RG 11:07

Thanks, Amy.

AB 11:09

Alright. So the first thing, I have you on this episode, because you and I love the same kind of gear, is that accurate?

RG 11:18

That is accurate. And then we have to buy set gear for each other so we can both own it.

AB 11:23

That’s right, exactly. Okay. So the very first thing I want to talk about is something we’ve both received as gifts before, though not from each other. And therefore we know it is an awesome gift – hiking poles or trekking poles. Why are trekking poles awesome? Tell us why.

RG 11:39

They’re awesome. They’re awesome. The main reason is they save your legs. So this idea that you can go out and do all the miles or all the mountains, or all the things just with your body, and you’ll feel great the next day isn’t always true. When you’re going up and down a lot or just going very long, they really do help save your legs, which is good for that day. But also if you want to go multiple days in a row. So that’s the main reason they’re good. They’re also great in winter.

AB 12:13

Yes, but the thing that’s tricky about poles is that you think you don’t need them. But you do.

RG 12:18

You do. So I have multiple poles, I have very sturdy poles that I would use, if I was more going to use a lot of weight bearing – like I was going to hike and I was wearing a big pack or in the winter when I’m worried about it being very slippery on the way down or even up and I’m going to put a lot of weight on them. And the downside is they’re hard to carry if you’re not going to be using them. So my other set of poles are collapsible carbon poles, which are very, very light, and you can strap on to your pack and you don’t even know they’re there until you need them.

AB 12:53

So Exactly. There’s like a whole variety of kinds, different handles, different weights, different heights. If you’re going to buy them for somebody or for yourself, you want to make sure that you have the right kind that what you want and what you’re going to use it for. So like if you’re going to use them in the winter, you probably want sturdier ones like you’re saying, if you’re going to run with them like we do, you’re probably going to want light ones that collapse really, really well. If you’re going to use them in the winter, you probably want to have a core candle so that the handle doesn’t get too cold.

RG 13:31

And a big basket on the bottom if you live somewhere that there’s snow, because you don’t want them to sink through.

AB 13:40

No, no, you really don’t. And if you’re going to hike with them and not run, then they can like collapse by telescoping down instead of collapsing really, really small, which is what we like with ours so that they fit in our tiny little runner pack. Which is important if you don’t have a tiny little runner pack.

RG 13:58

Exactly. If you the ones that telescope down, I have those too and those are great for what you said, they’re easy. If you have a bigger pack, they’re heavier, which is why they’re not great for running. The same with the running ones though, is you have to order them by size because they collapse, they fold up, and so you buy them by your height.

AB 14:22

Yes. So in short, running poles or hiking poles or trekking poles or whatever you’re using them for poles are awesome. But you have to be very specific about the kind you’re buying. So in general – great gift, but be specific and know who you’re buying them for and what they want.

RG 14:42

Right and a really appreciated gift, so that’s a good one.

AB 14:46

Awesome. Okay, next on the gift guide and something that we are including in our giveaway on one of our seven days is Klean Kanteen, which is a really fabulous metal reusable water bottle. Rach, you are a fan of the metal water bottle, because you can put stickers on them. And they’re insulated. And they don’t really leak. And they’re fantastic.

RG 15:13

They can have different tops, you can have a top that has just the spout to drink out of, or I can have a top that you screw off. I love the metal water bottles year round. Some people think — why would you need them in the winter? Because you know, it’s cold. Why do you want cold water? You do want cold water. And I find they don’t freeze as fast. They will freeze if you leave them in your car for days on end. But you can leave them in your car, do whatever you’re doing, running, hiking, skiing, skating, etc. And then you can come back and it won’t be all the way frozen.

AB 15:52

Yes, yes. And this Klean Kanteen water bottle, the TKwide 16 ounce that we’re giving away is one of these with the interchangeable lids. So while the one we’re giving away has this great swivel top, and it’s designed to be spillproof, it can also be interchanged with the straw or a different kind of lid just like you’re saying, and these suckers keep liquid hot for 14 hours and iced for 47 hours. Which means that exactly what you’re saying, they sit in your car, do your thing. Now you said you don’t know why you need cold water. We must carry different things because I got coffee in mind.

RG 16:31

Well, I was thinking about when you leave it, like when you get back and you think you’re going to be so cold. But most of the time you’ve warmed up on whatever it is you’re doing. But you’re thirsty because perhaps as often happens with us as your water on the track freezes. And now you’re thirsty and you want something to drink when you get back. It’s a big Alaska problem. I’m working on that. But I was just thinking that I did need to get a smaller one to bring hot water in when we’re out. So that actually is something I’m thinking about.


Well, you should enter the giveaway.

RG 17:06

I know. I will.

AB 17:08

These are like 30 bucks each usually, the 16 ounce ones, but of course the giveaway which is sponsored by Klean Kanteen is FREEE if you win it, awesome.

RG 17:23

Also awesome. If you’re not, you know, a lot of people do outdoor activities that are not moving from point A to point B, they’re ice fishing, or they’re just skating at a pond, so weight is not an issue. And so then these metal water bottles are fantastic. If you have children, you have one that’s dedicated to hot chocolate and everybody is happy.

AB 17:47

That’s right. Or coffee.

I saved what I think might be our mutually loved favorite thing for last. Okay, so it’s like last but not least situation.

RG 17:59

Yes. Goodr sunglasses?

AB 18:02

Oh, yes, we are including this on the holiday guide. Because how can we not? How many of these sunglasses do you own?

RG 18:10

So the answer to that is the same answer I gave my kids when they asked me the other day: define what used or own are, meaning that I would use them right now, this month? Or that they’re old? Or they’re new? Or there’s this one? So I refuse to give an actual answer because that answer is probably embarrassing. Only to point out that because we gift Goodrs to each other so often. Yeah, I did not purchase all my own goods.

AB 18:40

That’s true. I think I mean, I gotta own like, at least eight pairs. The problem is that I didn’t even count for this, because I was a little embarrassed about it.

RG 18:49

I’m embarrassed. I think it could be close to 10.

AB 18:52

Yeah, okay. But the really important thing is that you own Goodrs that match with your friends.

RG 18:57

Oh, absolutely. Yeah, we have what, three or four matching pairs? And then we’ve gifted Goodrs, both so that we all own the same pairs, but that also was other gifts. I know I won a pair of Goodrs before. And they’re fun because you need them because they have different seasonal themes.

AB 19:22

That’s right, they’re seasonal sunglasses. Okay, so that turns me to, if someone’s never had a pair of Goodrs before, why do we love these sunglasses, other than the fact that they’re fine and you can have matching ones with your friends? Like why do we like them?

RG 19:34

Well, they actually work really well. Well, a problem I often have with sunglasses is I feel they can be almost too dark and then I have a hard time like we get in the woods, seeing the trail or they just kind of throw off my vision. I do not have that problem with Goodrs and they also have ones that are polarized, and I love those as well. They stay on your face. I don’t know why or how, but you can be flying down the mountain jumping over rocks and they know that they don’t slip, they don’t fall off. And then they’re very, very affordable. I think they’re anywhere – depending on the design and if you get a special polarized pair – they can be like 20 to $30. Yeah. And so you don’t you don’t worry about throwing them in your pack.

AB 20:32

Yeah, yeah. So I mean, if you own like 10 pairs, it’s like a sizable investment that we won’t discuss further, but, uh, you know, it’s not like buying Ray Bans, guys. So that’s in our defense.

RG 20:47

And we have so much fun. So much, right. And I actually did leave a pair that I really liked on top of a mountain in Anchorage, if anybody saw them, those were mine. And I thought, please return to sender. You can send them to me. And while I was sad, I did not feel the need to trek back up there to get them because again, as much as I liked them, they were like, $25 Yeah.

AB 21:27

Okay, so we like these so much that I personally am giving away a pair of Goodrs. Because I mean, you know, like I have bought a pair to give away to a lucky winner because I love them. And I think everyone should have a chance to have a pair of Goodrs in their lives and start interaction.

RG 21:46

When you win, whoever wins, you need to read the card on the inside because it will make you smile.

AB 21:52

That’s right. But it’s not a card by Amy. It’s from Goodrs.

Rachel, thank you for your help with the Humans Outside Holiday Gift Guide. We appreciate your dedication.

RG 22:05

Thank you. Thanks for having me again.

AB 22:07

Now coming back to help us cap things off with a few little items, stocking stuffers, if you want to call them that, is Luke. Luke. Welcome back.

LB 22:17

Thank you.

AB 22:19

Okay, so let’s talk about sugar that you eat while you’re having an adventure because I like adventures, and I like sugar. Let’s talk about our two favorite things. Honey, Stinger, and UnTapped. Okay, but first, what is UnTapped? What is that?

LB 22:34

So UnTapped are packets of maple syrup.

AB 22:40

And it’s amazing. They’re like in the little gel packs that you have if you’re running, like maybe you’ve seen them in REI or in the store. They’re like these little oily packs of glue. And yeah, this glue is straight up maple syrup. Just straight maple syrup.

LB 22:59

And it’s amazing.

AB 23:01

Yeah, I always say that — wow, Buddy the elf was traversing these swirling, whirling forest. He probably used UnTapped for fuel because he just likes to drink maple syrup.

LB 23:10

I think it was the great gumdrop for us. But yes, okay, whatever. He was working on that maple syrup at that time.

AB 23:17

Yeah. 100% we like this so much that I have actually wrapped a box of these and given them to you under the tree. True?

LB 23:25

Yes. They are amazing. And they’re one of the best fuels on the trail or on the mountain or on the go, just traveling during the day,

AB 23:38

Because it’s like wham, sure. Okay, but I really also like Honey Stinger so much so that I am actually a Honey Stinger Hive ambassador. These little honey gels are not just straight honey the way UnTapped is straight up maple syrup. But they have waffles and gels and they are hands down my favorite thing to take on my running and mountain adventures. Because it’s like a quick hit of fuel as I go. They also have caffeine in some of them. So there’s a variety there. But since UnTapped is what Luke likes, that’s what we have under the tree. I mean, maybe pretend you didn’t hear that for this year, Luke.

LB 24:20

Okay, I will. But I also love a good Honey Stinger. I really do. They’re amazing.

AB 24:25

Yeah, so maybe you can put those in my stocking, just a thought. Just an idea. But not from our cabinet. You have to buy new ones.

LB 24:33

I can’t re-gift the ones we already own.

AB 24:36

Yeah, I will notice. Okay, little warning.

Alright. So we’ve got two more stocking stuffers. First, let’s talk about liner gloves. What the heck is a liner glove and why does it matter?

LB 24:48

So a liner glove is in essence a base layer that you would use under a larger glove or on it to be able to provide environmental protection, so to keep your hands warm, to protect them from the sun or the cold or the wind, and they come in basically every type of material that is out there, right. So you got cotton, you got wool, you have nylon or polypropylene. And the weight of that glove could be something that’s super, super light, almost almost like a really silky, lightweight one that might just be there to protect your hands from cold wind or sun, to something that’s heavy like a heavy waterproof gore-tex lined polypropylene or wool that is designed to go under like a shell mitten or a shell glove in the winter, to be able to keep your hand really warm. So the weight would differentiate based on the season, but basically it’s there to add extra protection to keep your hands warm. And I know that for a lot of people out there, keeping your extremities warm is one of the toughest parts about being outside.

AB 26:10

Yeah, so I really like the lightweight running gloves from Brooks as liner gloves. Because they are like sweat wicking. And mostly I wear them inside mittens because sometimes you got to take your mittens off to do stuff with your fingers. And I want to have something covering my fingers when I do that. That’s like an extra thing. The light liners from Brooks are a great three season glove that I’ll wear spring, summer and fall. And Luke will steal from me, right?

LB 26:46

Yeah, well, that’s true. Yeah. And I’ll wear those under like a leather climbing glove that I wear all the time. And then when it comes to winter, I’ll switch over to – Outdoor Research makes a great waterproof liner that’s heavier that I can wear under mittens or glove. all winter long as kind of my base layer, that again, I can pull that heavy glove off, if I need extra dexterity and have that liner, which is great and and other clothing companies out there make great waterproof liners as well. Some people might not want a waterproof liner. The problem with the waterproof liner is it will hold wet water in and keep it out.

AB 27:32

So if you’re a sweaty hands person, a waterproof liner might not be up your alley, and you want something that breathes better. But for me the waterproof liner works real good in the winter. Too fancy for us for a stocking stuffer. Liner gloves can be as cheap or as expensive as you want. And they can literally be anything from those like knit little jobbies in the dollar bin that many of you listening might actually just use as your regular gloves because you live somewhere where that’s doable. Or they might be what, you know the thing Luke is describing which is a lot more expensive, but still not out of the price range of affordability.

Last but not least we have the workhorse of the gear closet. The buff. We aren’t giving one of these away, but I think you should all strongly consider including them in your list. Luke, described a buff for us. What is it? What is a buff?

LB 28:33

So a buff is just a tubular piece of cloth that’s open on both ends. And basically it’s like, back in the day in the 70s they had the ascot but instead of like –

AB 28:47

A buff is not an ascot. No.

LB 28:51

No, so it’s a tubular piece of cloth that you’re able to put over your neck or head or ears, it can be manipulated in so many different ways to be able to cover basically your whole face and protect your head from the elements and it’s super functional. It does a great job of being able to keep somebody’s body heat regulated as you’re in a high aerobic activity such as running or climbing or something that’s going to cause you to have a high fluctuation in your body core temperature as you’re moving up and down maybe slow and then fast and fast and slow.

AB 29:40

First of all, we have to go back to the ascot because I said an ascot is a hat and you just walked by that and that was a little disappointing to me.

So it’s not a hat. It’s a neck thing. It’s this little like inside joke because Luke had an ascot for reasons that I don’t want to talk about or really understand, and he said — Oh, I have to get my ascot. And I was like — an ascot is a hat — and an ascot is not a hat. I did not know what an ascot was, but it sounds like a hat. I mean, come on. So that’s why I said that an ascot is in fact not a hat but above also not an ascot.

Okay, a buff. Buff is actually a brand name. But it’s kind of like Kleenex, like Kleenex is a brand name, but we use the term Kleenex to describe off brand Kleenex. Same thing with a buff. I like to use the buff as a Kleenex, since we’re on the subject. I keep it around my wrist like a convenient hankie. Because if it’s like cold outside your nose might run if you’re like me, and you just need like a little nose wiper job going on. I also use them around my neck to keep my neck warm, I use them as headbands to keep my ears warm, and my hair back. You can twist that sucker into a hat, you can pull it over your head and down the back of your neck under your ski helmet. Or you can do all of those super fancy things with big words like regulating your body core temperature that Luke was saying.

LB 31:05

And I’m a baseball cap all year type of guy. Um, so the buff is kind of my go to, to be able to wear a hat and at the same time, provide protection around my face.

AB 31:21

Or you can just wear a better hat. I don’t know why you do that. We’re wandering into some marital discord, guys. Let’s let’s backtrack. Because I think it looks really silly when he does that. But he’s not the only one that does that. So there you go. Okay, while we’re on the subject, he also wears his baseball cap with a fleece hat pulled down on top of it, for reasons I cannot comprehend. Why not just wear the fleece hat instead of the baseball cap? Maybe you should tell us since we’re on the subject.

LB 31:59

Because the baseball cap provides a visor that keeps the sun out of my eyes.

AB 32:05

But it’s dark outside.

LB 32:07

Well, that may be true.

AB 32:10

Alright, you know, neither here nor there. Okay. Um, back to buffs. They are small and super lightweight. And that’s why they make good gifts.

LB 32:20

Yes, they are small, super lightweight, they’re affordable. And they make a great gift. Because if people have never used them before, they will become instant converts once they use them.

AB 32:34

That’s true. Alright. Thank you for your help.

Well, guys, that’s it. That’s the end of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide. We’ve got one final giveaway that we’re doing and that’s for a Humans Outside Decal and one of our really fun new key chains. Obviously, we can’t resist giving that away. Today, we’ve told you about a dozen or so really great gifts for this holiday season and the seven giveaways. We’re running a new giveaway daily with a few days to enter each one between November 19 and November 25. And the last giveaway closes November 29. So you enter it on the 25th and it closes the 29th. You can see all the rules for entering with each of those giveaways and find them announced on Humans Outside on Facebook and Instagram. So good luck, and we’ve got an episode break next week for Thanksgiving. So we will see you after that.

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